Friday, August 17, 2012

The Melon Dip
Here's what you need:
1. Three musk melons. Not very large.
2. Six long purple orchid stalks.
3. A sharp carver knife.
4. Small 2 inch bits of firm aluminum wire, or wrapping thread (not ribbon)
1. Slice off the top a bit so that the soft peach flesh is exposed.
2. Cut the 6 stalks of orchids diagonally so that each has a sharp edge.
3. Wrap thin, flat cotton soaked with water around the stem edge.
4. Wrap a piece of transparent plastic around the cotton and then wrap firm wire around the plastic to hold. Or use the thread to tighten the plastic around the cotton.
5. Now your stalk of orchid is strong and firm enough to push into the soft flesh of the exposed melon. Push the orchid stalks in on a slant; this will give a wind swept look to the display.
The contrasting texture of the skin of the melon and the peachy pink flesh used as a natural container, against the contrast with bright purple orchid stalks and you have a masterpiece.

String faux pearls around the musk melon and decorate
( pic above)
Some candles could be added too. Use the wire to wrap 3 toothpicks onto the candle base and you have a candle stand! This can then be inserted into the melon.
Use two orchids to a melon if the melons are small or more stalks to make a delightfully unique floral display.

For Unique arrangements go to SPRING BLOSSOMS

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